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Aiden Jones
Aiden Jones

Staubli Robotics Suite Software: A Smart Production Tool for Robot Applications

Staubli Robotics Suite Software Downloadl: A Guide for Beginners

If you are looking for a powerful PC software environment to manage your robot system, you might want to consider Staubli Robotics Suite. This software allows you to simulate, develop, debug, and improve your robot applications, from conception to production. In this article, we will explain what Staubli Robotics Suite is, what features and benefits it offers, how to install and configure it, and where to find tutorials and examples. We will also compare it with some of its alternatives and competitors in the market.

Staubli Robotics Suite Software Downloadl

What is Staubli Robotics Suite?

Staubli Robotics Suite is a broad PC software environment that simplifies managing your robot system. It is developed by Staubli, a Swiss company that specializes in mechatronics solutions in the areas of textile machinery, connectors, and robotics. Staubli Robotics Suite is compatible with Windows operating system and supports multi-screen display.

Staubli Robotics Suite enables you to perform various tasks related to your robot system, such as:

  • Evaluating automation concepts easily in a 3D environment

  • Simulating motion, cycle time, and system behavior

  • Developing and debugging VAL 3 applications

  • Connecting and maintaining remotely a real robot cell

  • Optimizing robot performance and load analysis

  • Configuring safety zones and parameters

  • Transferring system data between PC and controller

Staubli Robotics Suite is designed to add value at every usage stage, from conception to improvement. It guides you clearly through the process of simulating, developing, and debugging your robot programs all the way to the final validation and transfer of any system data.

Features and benefits of Staubli Robotics Suite

Staubli Robotics Suite offers a range of features and benefits that make it a smart production tool for any robot system. Some of these features and benefits are:

  • A powerful 3D engine that offers more user-friendly operation and realistic rendering

  • A comprehensive robot library that includes various models and options

  • A snap function that allows easy positioning and replacement of robots and components in the virtual cell

  • A reachability and accessibility check that shows the working envelope and cell volume of the robot

  • A collision detection function that prevents any contact between the robot and any 3D object

  • A payload and inertia evaluation function that calculates the mass and inertia properties of the robot tool

  • An improved jog interface that allows switching and locking arm configurations, cartesian and joint positioning, etc.

  • An OPC UA function that enables communication between PC and controller via Ethernet

  • A safety configuration function that allows visualization and modification of safety zones and parameters

  • A record player function that records the motion trajectories of the robot arms for analysis

  • A colored load visualization function that displays the stress level of each joint for optimization

  • An integrated screen movie capturing function that records the simulation as a video file

  • A brake distance calculator function that validates the robot stopping performance for risk assessment

Installation and configuration of Staubli Robotics Suite

To install Staubli Robotics Suite on your PC, you need to follow these steps:

  • Download the latest version of Staubli Robotics Suite from

  • Run the setup file and follow the instructions on the screen

  • Select the installation folder and the components you want to install (e.g., Development Studio, Maintenance Studio, Optimize Lab, etc.)

  • Insert the USB dongle that contains your license key into your PC (you can obtain the license key from Staubli or your local distributor)

  • Wait for the installation to complete and restart your PC if required

  • Launch Staubli Robotics Suite from the Start menu or the desktop shortcut

To configure Staubli Robotics Suite for your robot system, you need to follow these steps:

  • Select the robot model and options that match your real robot from the robot library

  • Create a virtual cell by adding 3D objects such as tools, fixtures, conveyors, etc.

  • Define the robot parameters such as base position, tool center point, payload, etc.

  • Connect your PC to the robot controller via Ethernet or USB cable

  • Transfer the system data between PC and controller using the OPC UA function

  • Verify the communication status and the safety configuration

  • Start simulating, developing, and debugging your robot programs

Tutorials and examples of Staubli Robotics Suite

If you want to learn more about how to use Staubli Robotics Suite effectively, you can refer to the following resources:

  • The user manual that comes with the software installation or can be downloaded from

  • The online help that can be accessed from the software interface or from

  • The video tutorials that can be found on Staubli's YouTube channel or from

  • The sample projects that can be loaded from the software interface or from

  • The training courses that can be booked from Staubli or your local distributor or from

Alternatives and competitors of Staubli Robotics Suite

Staubli Robotics Suite is not the only PC software environment for managing robot systems. There are other alternatives and competitors in the market that offer similar or different features and benefits. Some of these alternatives and competitors are:


RobotStudioA PC software environment developed by ABB that allows simulation, programming, commissioning, and optimization of robot systems.- Supports various ABB robots and controllers- Offers a large library of 3D models and components- Provides a virtual reality interface for immersive simulation- Allows offline programming and testing of robot programs- Integrates with other ABB software such as RobotWare and SafeMove- Requires a subscription fee for full functionality- Only compatible with Windows operating system- Does not support multi-screen display- May have compatibility issues with some third-party devices and software

CoppeliaSim (formerly V-REP)A PC software environment developed by Coppelia Robotics that allows simulation, programming, debugging, and testing of robot systems.- Supports various robots and controllers from different manufacturers- Offers a flexible and customizable 3D environment- Provides a scripting interface for advanced programming- Allows online and offline simulation of robot programs- Integrates with other software such as ROS, MATLAB, Python, etc.- Requires a license fee for commercial use- Only compatible with Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X operating systems- Does not offer a dedicated maintenance module- May have a steep learning curve for beginners

RoboDKA PC software environment developed by RoboDK Inc. that allows simulation, programming, optimization, and monitoring of robot systems.- Supports various robots and controllers from different manufacturers- Offers a user-friendly and intuitive 3D interface- Provides a plugin interface for easy integration with other software such as SolidWorks, AutoCAD, etc.- Allows offline programming and simulation of robot programs- Includes a post-processor module for generating robot code automatically- Requires a license fee for full functionality- Only compatible with Windows operating system- Does not offer a safety configuration module- May have limited support and documentation


Staubli Robotics Suite is a PC software environment that simplifies managing your robot system. It allows you to simulate, develop, debug, and improve your robot applications, from conception to production. It offers a range of features and benefits that make it a smart production tool for any robot system. It is compatible with Windows operating system and supports multi-screen display. It is developed by Staubli, a Swiss company that specializes in mechatronics solutions.

If you want to try Staubli Robotics Suite, you can download the latest version from their website and obtain the license key from Staubli or your local distributor. You can also refer to the user manual, the online help, the video tutorials, the sample projects, and the training courses for more guidance and information. You can also compare Staubli Robotics Suite with some of its alternatives and competitors in the market, such as RobotStudio, CoppeliaSim, and RoboDK.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Staubli Robotics Suite:

  • What is VAL 3?

VAL 3 is a programming language developed by Staubli for their robot controllers. It is based on structured text and allows low-level access to the robot hardware and software. It is used to create robot programs that can be executed by the controller.

  • What is OPC UA?

OPC UA is a communication protocol that enables data exchange between different devices and software. It stands for Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture. It is used by Staubli Robotics Suite to transfer system data between PC and controller via Ethernet.

  • What is SafeMove?

SafeMove is a software developed by ABB that allows safe human-robot collaboration. It monitors the speed, position, and orientation of the robot and stops it if it detects any potential collision with humans or objects. It is integrated with RobotStudio and RobotWare.

  • What is ROS?

ROS is a software framework that enables the development of robot applications. It stands for Robot Operating System. It provides various libraries and tools for robot simulation, visualization, communication, navigation, perception, etc. It can be integrated with CoppeliaSim via a plugin.

  • What is SolidWorks?

SolidWorks is a software that allows the design of 3D models and assemblies. It is used for engineering, manufacturing, and product development purposes. It can be integrated with RoboDK via a plugin.



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